What are exams for, and how to evaluate your own knowledge during an exam ?
If you teach long enough, you start to think that students are only after an extra point on an exam, and not trying to learn from what you are trying to teach them, particularly the broader learning experiences that students should be having in genuinely evaluating their own performance, and engaging in self-critical evaluations that will make themselves better.
Certainly, grades are important. Because grades are, the tangible outcome of an evaluation of a student’s performance in a class. However, most students never realize that exams are part of their own learning experience in school. Most students see exams only as proof to the class instructor that they have mastered the material. Any exam you take is far from that. Surely, evaluation of your knowledge is part of the reason instructors give exams. However, the other reason instructors give exams is to ensure that you are doing your best at digesting the material and thinking deeply about it, regardless of the specifics asked on the exam.